Pendulum Motion
Vibrational Motion
Properties of Periodic Motion
Pendulum Motion
Motion of a Mass on a Spring
A simple pendulum consists of a relatively massive object hung by a string from a fixed support. It typically hangs vertically in its equilibrium position. The massive object is affectionately referred to as the pendulum bob. When the bob is displaced from equilibrium and then released, it begins its back and forth vibration about its fixed equilibrium position. The motion is regular and repeating, an example of periodic motion. Pendulum motion was introduced earlier in this lesson as we made an attempt to understand the nature of vibrating objects. Pendulum motion was discussed again as we looked at the mathematical properties of objects that are in periodic motion. Here we will investigate pendulum motion in even greater detail as we focus upon how a variety of quantities change over the course of time. Such quantities will include forces, position, velocity and energy - both kinetic and potential energy.