Traditionally, there have been many scoring formulas since stroop's original work. Jensen and Rohwer reviewed 16 scores derived from the three basic time scores on cards W,C and CW and presented a comprehensive analysis of scores into three classes :1 basic time scores and derived scores 2. error scores,and 3. serial scoring . the complexities of these formulas are avoided in the revised stroop manual which clearly and simply presents four scores based on three cards. the word score the color score the color Score the Color -word score and a predicted CW score are all based on the items completed on each card. Error are not counted because the subject is repeat each incorrect response, lowering the overall score . In order to reduce the redundancies of the derived scores and assess which formulas yielded additional unique information , Golden performed a factor analysis on eight major scores which yielded three basic factors : speech , color difficulty and interference. The presence and item loadings on these three factors were consistent with jensen and Rohwer . The one exception occurred on the speed factor in which Jensen found that the W score correlated 97 while Golden Found only W C correlated ตค with the speed factor and W corrected 67.
the appendix in the test manual provides the user with age corrected scores, and T- scores for W,C,CW and the predicted interference score .Because these scores are derived from the number of items completed on each card,are easily calculated, and take only a few monuter to learn , computer scoring and transparencies are unnecessary. Interpretation of these four scores is objective and not base on subjective clinical judgment. The test manual, however, is scant concerning rules or criteria for interpreting either raw-or T- score patterns and profiles. The actual meaning of certain configurations is thus left to the experience of the users and their familiarity with previous stroop research.