I just stayed home last night. I got all 5 seasons of "The wire" so been watching those. Have you seen it?
Sorry to hear you have to wear high heels. At least at my school we don't have to wear long sleeve shirts or suits, that would be terrible in the super hot weather here.
Only a week or two until exams so there will be no lesson planning to do then just marking. It will be good to have more free time and not have to worry about anything in the evening when I get home.
I do know the say a little prayer song but not many french songs. I must go to Central Ladprao and get some food. I often get stuff from the bakery and salad bar at the supermarket to make a change from all the noodles and rice i eat during the week. Where do you normally eat? Are you able to cook at home or do you have to always eat out? I miss being able to cook for myself.
You doing anything today or just relaxing?
For some reason I can't get onto line otherwise i would try send you a message there instead.