Students are encouraged to engage in collaborative work with fellow students to create a video. Furthermore it is a fun way of learning. With reference to the Thuringian Curriculum provided by the THILLM, students are required to develop collaboration and communication skills.
Creativity and critical thinking skills can be developed when creating a video on controversial topics like bullying at school, cyber-bullying, eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia, etc.
By using this visualization tool as well as conversational tool, students are able to visually represent their ideas through a video as well as sharing their ideas.
Students can decide when and what to learn and are not necessarily bound to scheduled class times. Presentations and class assignments can be done pending on the student’s willingness to do it. Hence, self-competence is developed as expected through the curriculum.
Sufficient media literacy skills are promoted through Go!Animate, which are very helpful for future careers.