Architectural Design of Complex Spaces
The Architect used the model to generate schedules, such as room reports in Excel
spreadsheet). The room-relevant data such as function requirements, materials (e.g.,
sound insulation panels), fixtures, furniture, and equipments installed in a particular room
is stored in an external database which reads from the model and the model is the access
point to the data. Usually producing room reports for approximate 800 rooms in this
building is a laborious task because there are constant design changes that involve a lot of
complicated and detailed issues. The other example is to use the model generate door
schedule. In this project, there were 1,400- 1,500 doors (excluding specialized technical
doors for chases) in the model. With doors, there were other issues involved such as
security, card readers, automated shutting systems, etc. Without the model, it would be
difficult to update the door schedule immediately and efficiently. Along with that, there
would be risks such as missing a door or doing the double work for a particular door.
The Architect also used the 3D model for his own design analysis. For instance, one of
the big design changes was to move the location of the library. The Architect finalized
this design decision with the study of a dozen of variations, which would not happen
without the use of 3D model
Architectural Design of Complex SpacesThe Architect used the model to generate schedules, such as room reports in Excelspreadsheet). The room-relevant data such as function requirements, materials (e.g.,sound insulation panels), fixtures, furniture, and equipments installed in a particular roomis stored in an external database which reads from the model and the model is the accesspoint to the data. Usually producing room reports for approximate 800 rooms in thisbuilding is a laborious task because there are constant design changes that involve a lot ofcomplicated and detailed issues. The other example is to use the model generate doorschedule. In this project, there were 1,400- 1,500 doors (excluding specialized technicaldoors for chases) in the model. With doors, there were other issues involved such assecurity, card readers, automated shutting systems, etc. Without the model, it would bedifficult to update the door schedule immediately and efficiently. Along with that, therewould be risks such as missing a door or doing the double work for a particular door.The Architect also used the 3D model for his own design analysis. For instance, one ofthe big design changes was to move the location of the library. The Architect finalizedthis design decision with the study of a dozen of variations, which would not happenwithout the use of 3D model
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