The synthesis of the nickel catalysts was carried out by incipient
wetness impregnation of pillared clays [34]. The required amounts
of Ni(II) nitrate, Ni(II) chloride and Ni(II) acetylacetonate salt solutions
(Sigma–Aldrich) were slowly added to the clays, to give solids
with a % NiO content ranging from 1 to 6 wt. The resulting solids
were dried and calcined by the same procedure reported above.
The subsequent solids were designated Ni(nit), NiCl and Ni(acac),
thus indicating the metal precursors Ni(II) nitrate, chloride and
acetylacetonate, respectively, followed by the catalytst’s nominal
NiO load.
The synthesis of the nickel catalysts was carried out by incipientwetness impregnation of pillared clays [34]. The required amountsof Ni(II) nitrate, Ni(II) chloride and Ni(II) acetylacetonate salt solutions(Sigma–Aldrich) were slowly added to the clays, to give solidswith a % NiO content ranging from 1 to 6 wt. The resulting solidswere dried and calcined by the same procedure reported above.The subsequent solids were designated Ni(nit), NiCl and Ni(acac),thus indicating the metal precursors Ni(II) nitrate, chloride andacetylacetonate, respectively, followed by the catalytst’s nominalNiO load.
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