10. Data sources
Step one was a broad scope of the literature using electronic databases and these search terms:
Motivation AND employees, motivation AND organization, motivation AND work. The scope was limited to peer reviewed journal articles published in English between2007 and 2013. Databases included Science Direct, Emerald Insight, Scopus, The ACM Digital Library, EBSCOhost Databases, IEEE Xplore, ProQuest, Business and PsychInfo. This review focuses on published papers.
11. Inclusion and exclusion
Articles were screened with an overall goal of finding a group of articles that focused specifically on Work motivation. Editorial, opinion, theoretical and qualitative and quantitative studies were included in this review. Articles focus specifically on motivation and job characteristics, motivation and employee characteristics, motivation and management practices.
12. Screening
A three-step screening process was used to obtain the final sample of articles. Step one was a broad search of the literature to identify abstracts that met the inclusion criteria. Titles and abstracts were printed, duplicates were eliminated and the remaining abstracts were screened using the inclusion/exclusion criteria. Full articles from the retained abstracts were printed and read carefully to further establish if they met the inclusion/exclusion criteria.