i always wonder why i want to be a doctor..... life of doctor is like long chemical reaction that does not end. chemical, after adding many other raw materials, turns into a doctor, still its work doesn't end. with different reagents it reacts differently. that is life of doctor. can be predictable but can't be guaranteed moreover, being a doctor, one can act various professions firstly, doctor, along with it, a doctor is a teacher (educating society and mentoring new doctors), detective (solving mysteries of people lives), social helper (comforting family), healer, adventurous (taking risks for others), in medicine learning never ends....
And I want to become a doctor because i know how it feels to lose someone really special.Also if my family gets ill and its an emergency they know who to call.Doctors are super special.I feel like they are just calling for me to be a doctor.I just know when i become a doctor i will be a HERO and a LIFESAVER!!I will help people in my neighborhood for free because i really don't think about the money i just think about saving people lives all around the World XD
Becoming something in life one have to develop lots of interest,taste,passion,zeal and desire.I want to be a doctor because i found my self haven developed all that towards medicine and also because i want to know more about what am made up of as a human being.That is my ambition in life to save humanity.
Anyone can do anything they put their mind to. I personally like doctors because we trust, believe, and they're all respected