To characterize the expression profile of the CDC10 gene in the LMin
a wide range of marbling scores, we selected 22 JB steers with beef
marbling standard (BMS) from low to high (two steers per BMS, from
BMS 2 to BMS 12) from a commercial slaughterhouse at Niigata prefecture
(Niigata, Japan). There was no strong bias for a specific father or a specific maternal grandfather of the sires, showing no genetic relationship
in the 22 JB steers. These steers were reared in the same diets
for 29 months of age, using commercial standard procedures. After
slaughter and BMS measurement, the muscle tissues were removed
from the LM between the sixth and seventh ribs, and trimmed of any
external fat. For RNA extraction, 50 mg muscle samples were taken,
rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −80 °C.