Lung lesions of about 1000 pigs (nN) were scored in the slaughter line. Carcass weight, back fat thickness, loin muscle depth, pHi and PQMi were measured on 460 pigs. Twenty-four hours after slaughter pHu, PQMu, brightness, redness, yellowness and drip loss were measured on 59 carcasses. A score for lung lesions was assessed at batch level, based on observations of all pigs in that batch, i.e. about 130. Pigs systematically selected from batches scoring more than 25% lung lesions had a lower pH of LD muscle (P ≤ 0.0003) and a six fold higher risk for P(ale)S(oft)E(xudative) traits (P ≤ 0.050) compared to batches scoring less than 5%.
Meat quality; Lung lesions; Swine