Jose Ramirez
...I remembe r when it all started, back in high school watching as all the other guys shot up like weeds; I k e p t waiting, expecting that I'd hit my own growth spurt and catch up to them. I grew of course but they all still towered over me; it was terrible, I was bullied teased, and even my friends called me nicknames like small fry. Sure they said it was all in fun, but their words still stung; even in adulthood I would feel a pang whenever a well meaning coworker jokingly referred to my height. Now that I've been using Growth Sinerama Wmx there's a subtle change in the way people treat me; they can tell something's changed but can't put their finger on what. Now I can look them in the eye with my n e w found height and smile to myself, knowing that the inches Growth- Sinerama have given me made that possible...
3 months ago•2
christopher Johnson
What frequency or range of frequencies is this
5 months ago•
OK- so how is this tone suppose to cause me to create more HGH? What study can you point to to back this up?
1 year ago•
These beats are on certain frequency that causes the brain to imitate that frequency (tone). This stimulate certain parts of the brain to work more, in this case the pituitary gland, which releases the HGH.
1 year ago•1
Vincent Sayer
So your supposed to meditate to get the meditation one to ironic
2 years ago•
Neon Sky
Maybe is your head and not the music . . . .
1 year ago•
Courtney De Longis
Sounds like the movie contact
2 years ago•
You know your supposed to meditate when listening to these (well most of them)
2 years ago•
Duniaku Bersatu
ok sorry
2 years ago•
Duniaku Bersatu
hey old man, this is NOT a music. this is BRAINWAVE. you really had no idea why you came here..?
2 years