The participant must define and maintain a procedure for
- Planning and implementing quality internal audits.
- Checking whether daily practices are carried out in accordance with the GSPP standard and the participant is QMS.
All activities have to be audited according to an audit plan with a minimum of once every years. Based on the outcome of internal and external audits a logical audit plan has to be made considering the processes and their importance of appraising. The logical audit plan must be based on
- The status and the significance of the audited activity and carried out by an independent body (not directly responsible for the audited activity) and by skilled employees.
The results of both internal and external audits must be
- Recorded and brought to the attention of those employees responsible for the audited area.
- The participant must undertake adequate corrective action for any non-conformity revealed during an audit.
- The effectiveness of corrective measures must be verified and recorded.