Career and money are directly targeted in 2017, and you have the energy to go and get anything you can imagine and then devise a plan to maximize opportunities. The Sun-Pluto conjunction in January kickstarts it all. You can change or create something for your benefit in 2017.
As the Sun enters Aries, your planet Mars and the asteroid Ceres are both in hard working, practical Taurus. This bodes very well for an increase in money and all material things that support and nurture you.
Jupiter leaves diplomatic Libra and enters no-nonsense Scorpio in October. Business relationships or matters turn much more to the bottom line now.
December sees Saturn entering its home sign of Capricorn. This is the planetary embodiment of work ethic and a drive for success. The Sun conjounct Saturn in late December, further sharpens the focus on career and fiscal progress in the coming year. You're well situated at year's end.