Light is a necessity for the functionality of architecture. Its consideration for sensory
reverence is critical in preliminary design. How light conveys the essence of a space and depth is
a valued determinant of the philosophy of phenomenology.
Phenomenology establishes the need for the observance of sensory sensitivity in
design. This philosophy, although it elaborates on the connection to intimate human
perception, is multi-scale and also has a unique affect on health and wellness. This philosophy is
an extension of natural phenomena found in the environment perhaps establishing its powerful
affect. It determines sense of place through awareness of the surrounding environment in
perceptual details and design features. Maurice Merleau-Ponty, phenomenologist, describes the
opposition between rationalism and phenomenology by illustrating that
"All consciousness is perceptual...The perceived world is the always presupposed
foundation of all rationality, all value and all existence...[the phenomenologist returns]
and in relation to which every scientific characterization is an abstract and derivative
sign language, as is geography to the countryside." (Maurice Merleau-Ponty)
Phenomenology is an ambitious argument for sensory experience to be a rigor of
architectural design. The integration of phenomenology into our generation of designing will
ultimately acknowledge architecture’s respect to the human scale. Today, technology advances
architectural design strategies and it is encouraging to know that there are designers willing to
harnessing this power to greater the human experience, which is what the essence of
architecture seeks to accomplish.