4. Summary and future research
The current work is the initial background report for the e-Business website development project.
This report aims to provide a critical review of the relevant literature in the e-Business field and also to
describe key aspects of the methodology that will be applied throughout the project.
This report tries to examine various issues that arise while building an e-Business. It is important to
highlight, that e-Business websites are not simple software artifacts. Mastering the necessary software
skills and tools to build a website does not guarantee its success. For this reason, following the guidance
and the advice of my supervising professor, this report focuses on many other challenges that come up
through the development process, like performing website evaluation, conducting market research and
choosing the right business model for the e-Business proposal. These are the first and most crucial steps
that will ensure that the final IT employment website, will be developed according to the requirements of
the market and will be tailored to the needs of its users. Further research and more focus will be given on
software tools after these parts of the methodology are complete and will be presented in later stages of
the project.
The decisions on how the website will be build depend on the results of the problem investigation
stage, since they will play a major role into describing the specific user requirements for the software. The
decision will be based on evaluating case studies of website development, in order to examine a vast
variety of techniques and software tools that have been applied successfully in real projects. Furthermore,
further research will be conducted to spot the strong points of various techniques and justify the choice
that will be finally made. Finally, an attempt will be made to contact some experienced web developers and
ideally some web developers who have worked on similar projects, in order to absorb valuable knowledge
from their experience.