Description: Balance ability during a single leg stance. Measures static standing ability (balance
with feet fixed)
This test helps us to assess your standing balance. I want you to stand on one leg for as
long as you can, or until I say stop. Watch while I demonstrate. (Demonstrate using
chair/table/counter for initial support.)
You may choose either foot to stand on. You may hold you foot anywhere, but you may not
brace your free leg on the standing leg. Place your arm by your sides and try not to move
your feet or grab a support unless you need to gain your balance. Hold this position until I
say stop. When you are ready, pick up one of your feet from the floor and hold it as long as
you can.
Start timing when hand leaves the chair/table (if you are not using a support, start when the foot is
lifted). Stop timing when their free foot touches the ground, their hand contacts the chair/table,
their foot moved, or 30 seconds has passed.
Make sure you are close enough to guard the participant and they understand that they should put
their foot down before they fall.
Record the time to a tenth of a second.
Cut point Less than 10 sec indicated balance impairment and less than 5 sec fall risk.