1. Introduction
The quality of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) fruit
is measured not only by external factors such as color, shape,
size, skin blemishes, latex staining and insect damage, but
also by internal factors such as translucent flesh, yellow
gummy latex and hardening pericarp which are also very
important for consumer acceptance. Translucent flesh disorder
is one of the most important internal factors determining
the quality of mangosteens. A floating technique using differences
in specific gravity is currently undertaken for the
non-destructive detection of translucent flesh in mangosteens,
but it is still not reliable
1. IntroductionThe quality of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) fruitis measured not only by external factors such as color, shape,size, skin blemishes, latex staining and insect damage, butalso by internal factors such as translucent flesh, yellowgummy latex and hardening pericarp which are also veryimportant for consumer acceptance. Translucent flesh disorderis one of the most important internal factors determiningthe quality of mangosteens. A floating technique using differencesin specific gravity is currently undertaken for thenon-destructive detection of translucent flesh in mangosteens,but it is still not reliable
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