C. Procedures
Sample preparation
Analyze 25-50 g from each subsample; generally, larger sample sizes increase reproducibility and lower variance compared with small samples. Test individual subsamples or composite according to respective Compliance Program for the food under analysis. Add appropriate amount of 0.1% peptone water to the weighed sample to achieve 10-1 dilution, then homogenize in a stomacher for 2 min. Alternatively, blending for 30-60 sec can be used but is less effective. Make appropriate 1:10 (1+9) dilutions in 0.1% peptone water. Dilutions of 10-6 should suffice.
Plating and incubation of sample
Spread-plate method. Aseptically pipet 0.1 ml of each dilution on pre- poured, solidified DRBC agar plates and spread inoculum with a sterile, bent glass rod. DG18 is preferred when the water activity of the analyzed sample is less than 0.95. Plate each dilution in triplicate.