We should prepare teachers for the increasing expectations and rapidly changing economic and social environment during their pre-service training and training that they received at tertiary level. Professional development which basically includes any activity that develops an individual's skills knowledge, expertise and other characteristics as a teacher (OECD, 1998), has become one of the most important factor in studies aiming to improve the quality of education. When teachers participate in professional development which are related to teachers' content area, it enhances their effectiveness, resulting in a higher level of student academic performance (Stronge, Tucker,& Hindman, 2004). Professional development may be supported by computers since its effective in communication. Using communication via computer to support the professional development would be very useful(seferoglu, 1999)Through the internet, teachers can access to online courses and seminars, follow-up discussion and mentoring, and collaborations with experts. Teachers can take place without the expense and classroom disruption created by repeated absences for face-to-face in-service trainings (Kerrey & Isakson, 2000). In addition, teachers by communicating with people from many distinct places have opportunity to share their professional knowledge and experience in the professional development programs.