Now would not deny that Japan is the main destination and the First Nations people choose to travel abroad.
In the past, Japan to accelerate the market other offset China market lost. The target market is ranked in 1 in ASEAN. With the abolition of the visa to Japan. Which is good for the growth of the market of Japan tour industry. And it seems to succeed. Because the measure from the numbers tourists travelling to Japan before the opening free visa Thais to Japan around 2 thousands per year. But after visa free happened in 2556 the people choose to travel to Japan rose 3 thousands of years or older stories, 50%
The main reason that can persuade tourists. It is not about having to apply for a visa. And not have to pay a fee, 1 655 baht. The reason the extra support too.
However, statistics from the overseas travel of people of Department of tourism, tourists The Ministry of tourism and sports were more people travel to Japan increased dramatically since the year 2552 onwards from 223 0217 in years, with the 2552 increased 20.3 is 268 434 คนในปี, 2553 and decrease the percentage 28.8 is 191 209 in years, 2554 as affected by the tsunami.
The truth... Thailand is the country's tourism as well. But people who like to travel and travel life. Would have to choose something different from the original in what is. Which Japan would answer as well.
Another... Is quite familiar and close to the Thai people living and dietary culture of Japanese is a very simple example It is when many people would ever see the cartoon from Japan? Which today it still has to see each other. Includes those? Some people also use and cosmetics of Japan all the time. To call a certain culture from Japan to barely a part in life of many people.
In addition, Japan also.