Even though it was a mere ten breaths, to everyone watching it seemed like a very, very long time.
Meng Hao sat there quietly, his eyes closed. When they opened, they were calm, so calm that it was impossible for anyone to tell what he might be thinking. However, the two Devilish images on either side of him appeared to be delighted.
“People say that there are two opposing concepts: good, and evil,” murmured Meng Hao.
“Rather than say my Third Severing is a Severing of the Devilish, it would be better to say that it is a Severing of the evil.
“But… is it really possible to completely Sever evil?
“If humanity was left only with goodness, perhaps that would make the world a more beautiful. Unfortunately, that isn’t realistic. Without the existence of evil, perhaps good… would no longer be called good.
“Good and evil are the desires of the heart. If I earnestly perform good deeds, evil can be suppressed. Likewise, if I malevolently perform evil deeds, good will be suppressed.
“Perhaps there is nothing truly good or truly evil in the world, similar to what my master Pill Demon told me about what is correct and incorrect. 1
“What I have… is my own will!
“The choices I make decide everything!” As his voice echoed out, the music of a great Dao rose up around him, as well as the power of natural law. These were things that did not exist moments before, but gradually appeared along with Meng Hao’s words.
Apparently…The laws of nature were being dictated by the words that Meng Hao spoke!!
When the Dao Seeking experts sensed that natural law, their minds trembled. It was at that exact moment that…
“Oh great Dao, continue your severing!”
The Mist Blade sliced down through Meng Hao’s dantian region, completely passing through him. Miserable shrieks could be heard emanating out in all directions as the two Devilish figures on either side of him were separated completely from his body.
In that instant, any ferocious air that Meng Hao had faded away. The aura of a scholar returned. Furthermore, the mark on his right hand once again flickered brightly, filled with an aura of mystery. Powerful natural law surged around him, distorting the air, transforming into a shocking windstorm that swept about.
After witnessing what was happening, the Southern Domain cultivators on the battlefield instantly understood what had happened, and their faces went wild with joy.
“Meng Hao!!”
“Meng Hao!!”
“Meng Hao!!” The combined voices of a hundred thousand people rose up. Their eyes were filled with fanaticism. Fatty was in the crowds, yelling at the top of his lungs despite his hoarse throat.
The Western Desert cultivators were also roaring, especially the members of the Golden Crow Tribe and the Church of the Golden Light.
In sharp contrast, the Northern Reaches cultivators trembled and looked at Meng Hao with fear and dread.
Up in midair, Pill Demon was laughing uproariously, along with Patriarch Song, despite his weakened state.
The peak Dao Seeking experts of the Northern Reaches’ faces were ashen and pale. All of them were wondering… exactly how powerful Meng Hao was about to become!
“He just entered Dao Seeking,” thought the Imperial Bloodline Clan Chief. He clenched his jaw. “Well, I’ll make sure that the day he enters Dao Seeking is the day that he perishes!” He pushed aside his dread, and intense killing intent could be seen in his eyes.