And thus, she fell into a tremendous self-hatred.
She hated her weak heart. She was completely soft and frail. If this goes on, a soft
tofu was tons more times sturdier than her.
At that moment. The chime rang without any warning at all, and Natsumi twitched
her shoulders. And judging from the sound, it was not from the entrance but rather it
was the chime installed in front of her room.
She was close to transforming to her adult version from the shock but, she placed
her hands on her chest and somehow managed to suppress the heartbeat. After fixing
her breathing, Natsumi walked towards the door while walking silently for some
For an instant, she thought Shidou and Kotori chased her to the mansion but, both of
them should have gone to school already. Then who is………..
“W-who is it…….?”
Standing in front of the door, Natsumi timidly asked (She was scared to peek at the
door scope for some reason) before, a soft voice answered back soon. The door
was made sturdy just in case for any emergencies but, since there was a mike and
speaker installed on it like an intercom, it was possible to have a conversation
through the door.
“E-err……it’s Yoshino”
“Yoshinon is here too~”
Natsumi brought her eyebrows closer from the unexpected voice.
Nonetheless, it’s not like she didn’t know the owner of the voice. It was Yoshino. She
was one of the spirits living in the mansion just like Natsumi.
Just what business does she have with her? Natsumi wrung her neck while placing
her hand on the door knob.
But, she then noticed her appearance when she saw her reflection in the mirror on
the shoe box (closet?) door and immediately gasped. Because she was rolling
around on her bed until now, the hair she carefully combed during the morning
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turned totally messy without any trace of neatness left. Maybe it was because of the
amount of hair she has; it totally exploded because she let her guard down.
“Wai…..wait a moment!”
“Eh? O….okay”
After Yoshino replied through the door, Natsumi ran through the corridor to the
washroom and used a big brush to fix her hair.
About 3 minutes later. Natsumi put down the brush and ran back to the door. Of
course, it was far from satisfaction but, it can’t be helped. At the minimum, she
probably managed to exorcise the unsightly bed hair.
Natsumi took a deep breath before putting on her sandals and opened the door.
At the same time she did that, a small girl standing there bowed her head.
“Errr………Good morning, Natsumi-san”
It was a cute girl with a casket hat with a cute design on her head and a puppet in her
left hand. Her soft wavy hair was blue like the sea and her eyes were like glittering
“Gooood morninggg Natsumi-chan. How are you doing---?”
Next off, the puppet worn on Yoshino’s left hand greeted her while skillfully
moving its hands. It was Yoshino’s friend [Yoshinon].
Natsumi averted her sights away in difficulty before greeting back…………….If she
was in her adult appearance, she would probably say [Good morning Yoshino and
Yoshinon. What brings you here? Perhaps you came to visit me? Yaaan, Natsumi is
moved---] and hug her but……….that level was too hard for Natsumi now. The
silence continued for a few moments.
---What should I do in this situation? She came all the way here so, [Talking while
standing is tiring so, come on in. I have good tea] naturally urging her like that
would be a good choice for a good woman? However if it was something she could
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finish here then, Yoshino might be the one to be considerate instead. She passed
through the room, and finishes her business with one or two words after having
some tea. In a way, there might be some people who thinks that it’s a good idea to
enjoy having a fun conversation but, that would be a heartless excuse of a monster
with the communication skills to be able to converse with someone naturally. If she
could do that then, Natsumi wouldn’t be silently standing frozen at the door.
Incidentally, Natsumi has no idea what tea was good even though her room has tea
in it.