Teaching is classified as profession. Teaching is no simply an occupation aimed at making money for
livelihood but it is a social service for national development. A teacher should be permanently committed to his
work. Those who have chosen teaching as profession, acquire necessary knowledge and skills with no personal
likes and dislikes. Professional commitment means, ―The feeling of dedication among the individuals of a group
towards their profession.‖ This commitment area involves tow essential components namely-pride in one‘s
being in the teaching profession and a strong desire for professional development. In fact after joining the
profession they should fully understand as long as they are there they have to develop pride knowing that this is
a Nobel profession charged with great responsibilities as the society hands over its children to this system for
their wholesome education. Teachers‘ total involvement and devotion is must for empowering the students.
During and even after school hours, a committed teacher‘s mind remains always occupied with thoughts of
children, their growth, individually as well as collectively and improvement of their performance.