possible bioturbation), ranged from the subtidal lagoon within 3 m of
the mangrove swamp to the landward margin of the swamp adjacent
to a coast-parallel sand ridge. Water depth and salinity were measured
at the time of collection with a measuring tape and refractometer, respectively
(Table 1). Cores were collected with a D-section (Russian)
corer at a location along each transect characterized by muddy substrates.
A fourth core (SET10 SET1) was collected off-transect. Two
cores were taken in the mid-swamp (SET09 TR1 7A, SET09 TR3 7A)
and two in the high swamp (SET09 TR2 15A, SET10 SET1) (Fig. 1B).
Cores, ranging in length from 80 cm to 300 cm, were sampled for
foraminifera in 2 cm contiguous segments down to 42 cm and then at
every 10 cm from 48 cm to 168 cm, and at 198 cm and 238 cm in the
longest core, SET09 TR3 7A. Core and surface sample elevations were
determined using a total station referenced to a nearby benchmark,
and are presented as meters above mean sea level (MSL) relative to
the Peninsular Malaysia Geodetic Vertical Datum (PMGVD).