Sampling is an essential step of the process of a typical marketing research. Non-probability sampling techniques are usually preferred on account of time constraint and not having information about the presence of individuals of the population (sampling frame). This study aims to compare data obtained through quota sampling which is a method in non-probability sampling techniques and stratified sampling which is a method of random sampling techniques in terms of population means. In line with this aim, data have been collected from the students in social programs of BilecikSeyhEdebali University, Osmaneli Vocational School – the population of this study – using survey method with respect to these two different sampling techniques. Population of the study consist of 572 people and gender variance was taken into consideration in determining sample with regards to both quota sampling and stratified sampling. According to this, the sample with 230 people consists of 128 female and 102 male students. The results of the study are confirmatory with the literature and difference is found between quota sampling and population mean while there is no difference between stratified sampling and population mean. Statistically significant difference is found between data collected by means of quota and stratified sampling.