YearsWithin the cave inside the Amethyst Mountains. Only Linley and th การแปล - YearsWithin the cave inside the Amethyst Mountains. Only Linley and th ไทย วิธีการพูด

YearsWithin the cave inside the Ame


Within the cave inside the Amethyst Mountains. Only Linley and the juvenile amethyst beast were present.

“Just now, when I entered, there clearly was nobody inside this cave. I am certain that this juvenile amethyst beast definitely wasn’t present. How could he have suddenly appeared without me not sensing anything at all?” Linley’s heart was filled with disbelief. He didn’t dare to believe that this was all real!

What he was now facing was the leader of those countless amethyst beasts – the little juvenile amethyst beast.

“What should I do?” Linley was pondering on how to flee.

The walls of this large cave, as well as the floor, were faintly circulating with a violet light. Even if he were to use Worldwalking, he wasn’t able to go through this barrier at all so as to merge with the stone.

No way to run!

“Hey, kid, what are you thinking about? Are you actually still thinking about running away?” The juvenile amethyst beast’s clear eyes stared at Linley, and his lips curved upwards slightly. “Forget it. Once, an extremely powerful Highgod, roughly at the level you would consider a ‘Seven Star Fiend’, came here. In front of me, though, he still behaved obediently!” The juvenile amethyst beast raised its little head arrogantly.

Linley was secretly shocked. Even a Seven Star Fiend was no match for this juvenile amethyst beast?

“My name is Linley. Might I ask who you are?” Linley’s attitude was very respectful.

The juvenile amethyst beast coughed on purpose, then said, “Listen up. My name is Reisgem [Lei’si’jing]. I’ve previous adventured in other planes, and I’ve also engaged in battles in Purgatory. I am a mighty Commander in Purgatory!”

“Commander of Purgatory?” Linley felt utterly lost.

What was a Purgatory?

When he had read the books regarding the geography of the Infernal Realm, Linley had never heard of a place called ‘Purgatory’.

“You don’t know about Purgatory?” The juvenile amethyst beast stared, and then nodded in understanding. “Oh, right. You are just a God. Even many Highgods don’t know about that place. It makes sense that you don’t know…hmph, talking to you really is a waste of time. You don’t even know what being a ‘Purgatory Commander’ represents, hmph!”

The juvenile amethyst beast was very unhappy.

Linley could only smile helplessly. He didn’t even know why this juvenile beast named Reisgem was talking about these things.

“Now, how should I punish you?” The juvenile amethyst beast stood up, his meaty little paws rubbing his chin as he strode back and forth within the cave, appearing to be in deep thought. “Play the game of smashing stones? Same as the last guy, who I smashed to death?”

Hearing this, Linley’s heart trembled.

The game of smashing stones? Smashed to death? Linley could completely imagine what this juvenile amethyst beast was capable of doing.

“No, no good.” While still walking back and forth, the juvenile amethyst beast continued to mumble. Hearing the mumbling of the juvenile amethyst beast, Linley’s heart was very cold.

“This juvenile amethyst beast named Reisgem is a terrifying figure who possesses enormous power and yet the heart of a child.” Linley’s heart was panicking. Lowering his head to look at the floor, he saw the faint violet light circulating through it.

This was just a layer of something which Reisgem had silently covered the floors and the walls of the cave with, but Linley couldn’t budge the violet light at all. Just from this, Linley was certain of the great power of this juvenile amethyst beast. In addition…he had watched the juvenile amethyst beast personally attack, and easily kill a powerful Highgod.

“Right now, I only have my divine earth clone here. I’m far too weak.” Linley secretly sighed.

The Sovereign’s Might and his weapons were all on his original body. He didn’t have a single thing on his divine earth clone. At present, he didn’t have any ability to fight back at all.

“This juvenile amethyst beast…” Linley carefully inspected this juvenile beast. Compared to the amethyst beasts, he was very similar. His entire body was violet, and his head and back also were covered with a large number of spikes, in total 108 spikes. The same was true for the body of the amethyst beasts.

The juvenile amethyst beast suddenly was jubilant, and excitedly began to jump around. “Haha, I have it!”


The juvenile amethyst beast’s face froze, then out of the corner of his mouth, he muttered, “I’m not even allowed to have fun.” And then, the juvenile amethyst beast raised his head to look at Linley, his face turning cold. “Kid, I’m in a really bad mood right now, so I’ll have to vent it out on you. Hmph. If you are too useless, I’ll just kill you.”

“Mr. Reisgem, you don’t even care about Seven Star Fiends. Why must you act against me, a mere God?” Linley had a very bad feeling. This juvenile amethyst beast most likely didn’t have any good intentions.

The juvenile amethyst beast snorted. “You shut your mouth! Screw your mommy, if it weren’t for the fact that I have been ordered to remain in the Amethyst Mountains for countless years before being allowed out, why would I care about a mere God like you? Although you are a little weak, at least you are alive. You can play with me.” As he spoke, the juvenile amethyst beast flipped his little claw out, and immediately, a black stone that was emanating waves of violet light appeared, hovering in front of him.

Linley couldn’t help but carefully inspect that black stone.

The black stone was very small, only the size of a finger, but it emanated with lines of violet light. Waves of an unusual aura spread out from within it.

“Go.” The juvenile amethyst beast waved its little paw.

Immediately, the black stone hovered to above Linley, and then one ray of violet divine power after another flew out from the black stone, landing down like multiple chains. There were, in total, 108 rays of violet divine power.

The 108 rays of violet divine power all flew out from within the black stone, forming circles and reconnecting at the ground beneath Linley’s feet. The 108 curved lines of violet divine power formed a complete globe, while Linley was right in the center of it.

“Haha, let’s begin.” The juvenile amethyst beast cracked his lips into a grin.

Immediately, the 108 rays of violet divine power quickly began to flash and move at high speed, and it was no longer possible to tell that there were 108 rays of divine power. Linley could only see that the area around him was a globe of violet light, while he himself was within it.


Within the globe of violet light, it was as though electric sparks were flashing with violet light.

One surge after another of strange power was being created.

“Aaaaaah!” Agonized, Linley immediately curled into a ball, hovering in the center of that violet sphere. With a strange ‘crackle’ sound, Linley’s skin and bones were pressed down so hard, his body was caving in.

Linley could clearly sense that the surrounding violet light was creating surges of ‘repulsive force’. Every single part of the violet light was generating that repulsive force, and all of it was focused on his body.

Repulsive force was pressing down on Linley from every side.

It was as though Linley was being constantly compressed, as though the sphere was trying to compress Linley himself into a ball. This sort of terrifying pressure carried with it extreme pain.

“This Reisgem has mental issues!” Linley cursed in his mind.

Working to raise his head, he saw that roughly two meters away, that black stone was hovering. The source of this violet light was that black stone.

“Kid, given my usual temper, you would definitely die. However, today, I suddenly feel benevolent and merciful.” The juvenile amethyst beast stared at the violet globe as well as Linley, who was being compressed. “I’ve supplemented the divine power of that black stone. It should be able to roughly maintain this ‘Gravitational Space’ for ten thousand years. If in ten thousand years, you are able to leave that place, I’ll spare your life. But, if you wait until the divine power is exhausted without being able to leave, then I will…” The juvenile amethyst beast stretched out his meaty claws. “Kill ya!”

Within the globe of violet light.

Even his bones were cracking from the pressure. The massive agony was causing Linley’s entire body to twitch, but Linley could still clearly hear the words of that juvenile amethyst beast. Linley immediately struggled to hiss out, “Gravitational Space? This is a Gravitational Space? Impossible!!!” That terrifying repulsive force was so strong that Linley found it hard to even open his mouth.

Only, Linley truly didn’t understand it. Because, he had never heard of a Gravitational Space capable of generating a repulsive force.

A Gravitational Space should have a terrifying attractive gravitational force!

“Right, this is a Gravitational Space, one of the six profound mysteries of the Laws of the Earth. There’s nothing ‘impossible’ about it!” The juvenile amethyst beast snorted. “But of course, this is a ‘Gravitational Space’ that was created after fusing the ‘Throbbing Pulse of the World’ and the ‘Gravitational Space’, and it also has a little something special added into it…let me remind you, if you want to escape, all you have to do is be able to grab that black stone.”

After speaking, the juvenile amethyst beast lay down on the ground, then suddenly raised his little head to stare at Linley. “Oh, right. Even though it might hurt, don’t make any noise. If your noise wakes me up, I’ll kill you.”

Linley could only forcibly endure the pain wracking his entire body, not daring to make a sound.

“Huff!” “Huff!” …..
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ผลลัพธ์ (ไทย) 1: [สำเนา]
ปีภายในถ้ำภายในภูเขาอเมธีสต์ เฉพาะ Linley และสัตว์อเมธีสต์เยาวชนปัจจุบัน"เมื่อกี้นี้ เมื่อฉันได้ใส่ ชัดเจนมีใครภายในถ้ำ ฉันมั่นใจว่า สัตว์แอเมทิสต์นี้สลบแน่นอนไม่ได้อยู่ วิธีสามารถเขามีดี ๆ ไม่ฉันไม่ตรวจอะไรเลย" หัวใจของ Linley ก็เต็มไป ด้วย disbelief เขาไม่กล้าที่จะเชื่อว่า นี้เป็นจริงทั้งหมดอะไรเขาตอนนี้หันหน้าเป็นผู้นำของเหล่านั้นนับไม่ถ้วนแอเมทิสต์สัตว์ป่าสัตว์อเมธีสต์เด็กน้อย"ไร" Linley ถูกขบคิดวิธีการหนีผนังของถ้ำขนาดใหญ่ ชั้น มีการหมุนเวียนรำไรแสงไวโอเลท แม้ว่าเขาได้ใช้ Worldwalking เขาไม่สามารถที่จะผ่านอุปสรรคทั้งหมดเพื่อผสานกับหินนี้วิธีทำ"Hey เด็ก คิดอะไรอยู่เกี่ยวกับ ใจจริงยังคิดทำไป" ของสัตว์อเมธีสต์เยาวชนล้างตาจ้องไปที่ Linley และริมฝีปากของเขาโค้งขึ้นเล็กน้อย "ลืมมัน ครั้งเดียว Highgod มีประสิทธิภาพมาก ประมาณระดับ คุณจะพิจารณา 'เจ็ดดาวมาร' มาที่นี่ ด้านหน้าของฉัน แม้ว่า เขายังคงทำงานทรง" สัตว์อเมธีสต์เยาวชนยกใหญ่น้อย arrogantlyLinley ถูกแอบตกใจ แม้เจ็ดดาวมารไม่ตรงกับสัตว์แอเมทิสต์นี้เยาวชน"ชื่อของฉันคือ Linley อาจฉันถามคุณเป็นใคร" ทัศนคติของ Linley เคารพมากขึ้นThe juvenile amethyst beast coughed on purpose, then said, “Listen up. My name is Reisgem [Lei’si’jing]. I’ve previous adventured in other planes, and I’ve also engaged in battles in Purgatory. I am a mighty Commander in Purgatory!”“Commander of Purgatory?” Linley felt utterly lost.What was a Purgatory?When he had read the books regarding the geography of the Infernal Realm, Linley had never heard of a place called ‘Purgatory’.“You don’t know about Purgatory?” The juvenile amethyst beast stared, and then nodded in understanding. “Oh, right. You are just a God. Even many Highgods don’t know about that place. It makes sense that you don’t know…hmph, talking to you really is a waste of time. You don’t even know what being a ‘Purgatory Commander’ represents, hmph!”The juvenile amethyst beast was very unhappy.Linley could only smile helplessly. He didn’t even know why this juvenile beast named Reisgem was talking about these things.“Now, how should I punish you?” The juvenile amethyst beast stood up, his meaty little paws rubbing his chin as he strode back and forth within the cave, appearing to be in deep thought. “Play the game of smashing stones? Same as the last guy, who I smashed to death?”Hearing this, Linley’s heart trembled.The game of smashing stones? Smashed to death? Linley could completely imagine what this juvenile amethyst beast was capable of doing.“No, no good.” While still walking back and forth, the juvenile amethyst beast continued to mumble. Hearing the mumbling of the juvenile amethyst beast, Linley’s heart was very cold.“This juvenile amethyst beast named Reisgem is a terrifying figure who possesses enormous power and yet the heart of a child.” Linley’s heart was panicking. Lowering his head to look at the floor, he saw the faint violet light circulating through it.This was just a layer of something which Reisgem had silently covered the floors and the walls of the cave with, but Linley couldn’t budge the violet light at all. Just from this, Linley was certain of the great power of this juvenile amethyst beast. In addition…he had watched the juvenile amethyst beast personally attack, and easily kill a powerful Highgod.“Right now, I only have my divine earth clone here. I’m far too weak.” Linley secretly sighed.The Sovereign’s Might and his weapons were all on his original body. He didn’t have a single thing on his divine earth clone. At present, he didn’t have any ability to fight back at all.“This juvenile amethyst beast…” Linley carefully inspected this juvenile beast. Compared to the amethyst beasts, he was very similar. His entire body was violet, and his head and back also were covered with a large number of spikes, in total 108 spikes. The same was true for the body of the amethyst beasts.
The juvenile amethyst beast suddenly was jubilant, and excitedly began to jump around. “Haha, I have it!”


The juvenile amethyst beast’s face froze, then out of the corner of his mouth, he muttered, “I’m not even allowed to have fun.” And then, the juvenile amethyst beast raised his head to look at Linley, his face turning cold. “Kid, I’m in a really bad mood right now, so I’ll have to vent it out on you. Hmph. If you are too useless, I’ll just kill you.”

“Mr. Reisgem, you don’t even care about Seven Star Fiends. Why must you act against me, a mere God?” Linley had a very bad feeling. This juvenile amethyst beast most likely didn’t have any good intentions.

The juvenile amethyst beast snorted. “You shut your mouth! Screw your mommy, if it weren’t for the fact that I have been ordered to remain in the Amethyst Mountains for countless years before being allowed out, why would I care about a mere God like you? Although you are a little weak, at least you are alive. You can play with me.” As he spoke, the juvenile amethyst beast flipped his little claw out, and immediately, a black stone that was emanating waves of violet light appeared, hovering in front of him.

Linley couldn’t help but carefully inspect that black stone.

The black stone was very small, only the size of a finger, but it emanated with lines of violet light. Waves of an unusual aura spread out from within it.

“Go.” The juvenile amethyst beast waved its little paw.

Immediately, the black stone hovered to above Linley, and then one ray of violet divine power after another flew out from the black stone, landing down like multiple chains. There were, in total, 108 rays of violet divine power.

The 108 rays of violet divine power all flew out from within the black stone, forming circles and reconnecting at the ground beneath Linley’s feet. The 108 curved lines of violet divine power formed a complete globe, while Linley was right in the center of it.

“Haha, let’s begin.” The juvenile amethyst beast cracked his lips into a grin.

Immediately, the 108 rays of violet divine power quickly began to flash and move at high speed, and it was no longer possible to tell that there were 108 rays of divine power. Linley could only see that the area around him was a globe of violet light, while he himself was within it.


Within the globe of violet light, it was as though electric sparks were flashing with violet light.

One surge after another of strange power was being created.

“Aaaaaah!” Agonized, Linley immediately curled into a ball, hovering in the center of that violet sphere. With a strange ‘crackle’ sound, Linley’s skin and bones were pressed down so hard, his body was caving in.

Linley could clearly sense that the surrounding violet light was creating surges of ‘repulsive force’. Every single part of the violet light was generating that repulsive force, and all of it was focused on his body.

Repulsive force was pressing down on Linley from every side.

It was as though Linley was being constantly compressed, as though the sphere was trying to compress Linley himself into a ball. This sort of terrifying pressure carried with it extreme pain.

“This Reisgem has mental issues!” Linley cursed in his mind.

Working to raise his head, he saw that roughly two meters away, that black stone was hovering. The source of this violet light was that black stone.

“Kid, given my usual temper, you would definitely die. However, today, I suddenly feel benevolent and merciful.” The juvenile amethyst beast stared at the violet globe as well as Linley, who was being compressed. “I’ve supplemented the divine power of that black stone. It should be able to roughly maintain this ‘Gravitational Space’ for ten thousand years. If in ten thousand years, you are able to leave that place, I’ll spare your life. But, if you wait until the divine power is exhausted without being able to leave, then I will…” The juvenile amethyst beast stretched out his meaty claws. “Kill ya!”

Within the globe of violet light.

Even his bones were cracking from the pressure. The massive agony was causing Linley’s entire body to twitch, but Linley could still clearly hear the words of that juvenile amethyst beast. Linley immediately struggled to hiss out, “Gravitational Space? This is a Gravitational Space? Impossible!!!” That terrifying repulsive force was so strong that Linley found it hard to even open his mouth.

Only, Linley truly didn’t understand it. Because, he had never heard of a Gravitational Space capable of generating a repulsive force.

A Gravitational Space should have a terrifying attractive gravitational force!

“Right, this is a Gravitational Space, one of the six profound mysteries of the Laws of the Earth. There’s nothing ‘impossible’ about it!” The juvenile amethyst beast snorted. “But of course, this is a ‘Gravitational Space’ that was created after fusing the ‘Throbbing Pulse of the World’ and the ‘Gravitational Space’, and it also has a little something special added into it…let me remind you, if you want to escape, all you have to do is be able to grab that black stone.”

After speaking, the juvenile amethyst beast lay down on the ground, then suddenly raised his little head to stare at Linley. “Oh, right. Even though it might hurt, don’t make any noise. If your noise wakes me up, I’ll kill you.”

Linley could only forcibly endure the pain wracking his entire body, not daring to make a sound.

“Huff!” “Huff!” …..
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (ไทย) 3:[สำเนา]

ภายในถ้ำภายในแอเมทิสต์ ภูเขา แต่ลินลีย์และสัตว์ Amethyst เยาวชนอยู่

" ตอนนี้ ตอนที่ผมเข้ามาอย่างชัดเจนว่ามีใครอยู่ในถ้ำนี้ ฉันแน่ใจว่า นี้เด็กอเมทิสนั้นแน่นอนไม่ใช่ปัจจุบัน เขาก็พลันปรากฏ โดยที่ผมไม่ได้รู้สึกอะไรเลย " หัวใจของ Linley เต็มไปด้วยการปฏิเสธศรัทธาเขาไม่กล้าที่จะเชื่อว่าเป็นเรื่องจริง

สิ่งที่เขากำลังเผชิญอยู่ตอนนี้คือ ผู้นำของเหล่าสัตว์น้อยสัตว์–นับไม่ถ้วนแอเมทิสต์ Amethyst เยาวชน

" ฉันควรทำยังไงดี ? " ลินลีย์ได้ขบคิดเกี่ยวกับวิธีการหนี

ผนังของถ้ำขนาดใหญ่นี้ รวมทั้งพื้นอยู่บางๆ หมุนเวียนด้วยสีม่วงอ่อน แม้ว่าเขาจะใช้ worldwalking ,เขาไม่สามารถผ่านอุปสรรคนี้ทั้งหมดเพื่อให้กลมกลืนกับก้อนหิน

ไม่มีทางหนี !

" เฮ้ เจ้าหนู เธอคิดอะไรอยู่ เธอยังคิดจะหนีเหรอ ? " เยาวชนอเมทิสของสัตว์ชัดเจน ดวงตาจ้องลินลีย์ และริมฝีปากของเขาโค้งขึ้นเล็กน้อย " ช่างเถอะ เมื่อมี highgod ที่มีประสิทธิภาพมากประมาณที่ระดับที่คุณจะพิจารณา ' เจ็ดดาวปีศาจ ' , มาที่นี่ ต่อหน้าผม เขายังคงทำตัวเชื่อฟัง ! " สัตว์เลี้ยงหัวพลอยสีม่วงเยาวชนน้อยของมันมาก

Linley แอบตกใจ แม้แต่เจ็ดดาวปีศาจไม่เหมาะสำหรับเยาวชนพลอยสีม่วงนี้สัตว์ ?

" ฉันชื่อ ลินเลย์ ผมอาจจะถามว่าคุณเป็นใคร ? " ทัศนคติของ Linley

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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