The synthesis
of nanoporous silica and diphenylcarbazide-functionalized material
(DPC-SBA-15) was characterized by IR spectroscopy, low-angle
X-ray diffraction, BET surface area measurement and elemental
Diphenylcarbazide-functionalized colloidal silica was prepared
similarly as described for the SBA-15. In a typical reaction, 1.0 g
of colloidal silica was suspended in 50 mL toluene and the mixture
was stirred for 1 h and then 3-choloro-propyltriethoxysilane
(2.0 g) was added and the mixture was refluxed for 12 h under
nitrogen atmosphere. The resultant solid was suspended in 100 mL
toluene and triethylamine mixture (1:1, v/v) and an excess amount
of diphenylcarbazide (5.0 g) was added. After 24 h reflux, the yellow
solid was removed from solvent by filtration, washed with toluene
and acetone and then dried at room temperature.