7.5.2 Groups 1 and 2—If such a sample cannot be obtained,
the suspended water can be removed by maintaining the
sample at 0 to 10°C, adding approximately 10 g of anhydrous
sodium sulfate per 100 mL of sample, shaking the mixture for
approximately 2 min, and then allowing the mixture to settle
for approximately 15 min. Once the sample shows no visible
signs of water, use a decanted portion of the sample, maintained
between 1 and 10°C, for the analysis. Note in the report
that the sample has been dried by the addition of a desiccant.
NOTE 9—Suspended water in hazy samples in Groups 1 and 2 can be
removed by the addition of anhydrous sodium sulfate and separating the
liquid sample from the drying agent by decanting without statistically
affecting the results of the test.6
the suspended water can be removed by maintaining the
sample at 0 to 10°C,