School A is a local rural high school with an experienced physics teacher. The school population is 95.3% white, 12% low income, and 68.8% of students meet state standards for AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress). This was the teacher's third year participating in the project, where his first year was used as a control class. The teacher implemented CPS with his own problems and also implemented synthesizing lectures modeled after a structure of mechanics diagram. Due to low enrollment this year, he only had 14 students in the class who returned consent forms (compared to 23 in the previous control class), but there were consistently higher mean scores for the CPS class over the control, though not always significant. The equation instantiation test showed a 12% advantage and problem solving showed a 10% difference. The categorization overall showed only a 2% difference and the finding errors test scores were too low for both groups to make a meaningful comparison. Most importantly, the conceptual questions showed a strong significant advantage for the CPS group of 10% (p< .05).