Why is there no room 13 in the inn?' he asked.
'Many people won't sleep in a room number 13,' the landlord replied. 'They say it's unlucky.'
Then who is in your room number 13?' asked Anderson.
There isn't a room number 13,' the landlord said. 'Your room is next to room number 14.'
'Of course,' said Anderson. 'I must have made a mistake. Would you like to come up to number 12 for a glass of brandy and a cigar?'
'I'd like to very much,' said the landlord.
They went upstairs together. They went past room number 10 and room number 11 to reach number 12.
The landlord looked at the inside of number 12.
'This room looks very small,' he said.
Anderson poured two glasses of brandy. Both men lit
Anderson opened the window to let out the smoke.
There was a red light and a shadow on the wall of the house opposite. The light came from number 13. The shadow was dancing wildly, but there was no noise.