It was saturday morning There was no school today. But tom had to work. He had to paint the fence. It was a long fence around the garden of aunt polly's house.
Tom had a big bucket of paint and a brush with a long handle. He looked at tha fence. My friend will all see me. They'll laugh at me.
Tom started to paint
After an hour, Tom was tired. He looked sadly at the big bucket of paint and the brush with the long handle. Then tom had an idea. He smiled
He started to paint the fence again.
Soon he saw one of his friends, Ben Rogers. Ben was walking towards him. He was making strange noises. Ben was a steamboat on the Mississippi River!
Ting-a-ling! He was making the noise of the ball on the steamboat. Sssh! Sssh! he said. He was making the noise of the steam in the engine of the steamboat