While most Americans are them selves the descendants of immigrants (Native Americans constitute about 1 percent of the population), most believe that today's immigrants are different from earlier waves.Population projections based on current immigration and fertility (birth) rate suggest that the^ethnic character of the. nation will shift dramatically over time (see
Figure 9-B)
America has always been an ethnically pluralist society, but all were expected 19 adopt
American political culture -including individual liberty, economic freedom, political equality,and equality of opportunity-and to learn American history and traditions, as well as the English language. The nation's motto is "E Pluribus Unum" (from many, one), but opponents
of large-scale immigration fear that it currently represents a threat to cultural and political unity.There were always Italian, Irish, Polish, Chinese, and other ethnic neighborhoods in big cities. But the children of immigrants,if not immigrants themselves, quickly became "Americanized."In contrast, today policymakers are divided over whether to Protect and preserve
language and cultural differences for example through bilingual education,
While most Americans are them selves the descendants of immigrants (Native Americans constitute about 1 percent of the population), most believe that today's immigrants are different from earlier waves.Population projections based on current immigration and fertility (birth) rate suggest that the^ethnic character of the. nation will shift dramatically over time (see
Figure 9-B)
America has always been an ethnically pluralist society, but all were expected 19 adopt
American political culture -including individual liberty, economic freedom, political equality,and equality of opportunity-and to learn American history and traditions, as well as the English language. The nation's motto is "E Pluribus Unum" (from many, one), but opponents
of large-scale immigration fear that it currently represents a threat to cultural and political unity.There were always Italian, Irish, Polish, Chinese, and other ethnic neighborhoods in big cities. But the children of immigrants,if not immigrants themselves, quickly became "Americanized."In contrast, today policymakers are divided over whether to Protect and preserve
language and cultural differences for example through bilingual education,
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