Around the year 2000, the sensors price has been sharply dropped and so the microcontrollers. Therefore, many sensor-based microcontroller data acquisition systems have been developed to monitor and store the meteorological and systems data Most of these systems are developed for specific solar systems. Some systems use computers to display the data (LabVIEW in data acquisition system). A new trend has begun using FPGA, which is a sort of reconfigurable digital system on a single chip. Thanks to a new generation of digital systems called microcontrollers, the low cost smart embedded systems can be now designed and assembled easily with a little knowledge of microprocessors engineering. These low cost chips are now considering a pivotal axis of the modern control systems, since it is mainly consisting of a small computer embedded on a single chip. Therefore, this work discusses a new approach of designing and making a low cost recording data acquisition system by using the microcontroller technology.