3. Results
Table 1 lists the composition of fatty acid and fat content of citrus seeds. As the results show, the oil content ranges between 40.3% and 41.9% for sour lemon and 33.4% and 34.2% for orange. The mostly found saturated component in all citrus seeds is palmitic acid. Its content varies for different types of seeds and on average it ranges between 26.9% in sour lemon seed and 27.13% in organ seed. In addition, the content of oleic acid of sour lemon was found between 24.8% (samples from Jiroft) and 28.5% (samples from Anbarabad) and in the case of orange it was found between 27.1% (samples from Qaleh Ganj) and 29.3% (samples from Jiroft). The content of linoleic acid, also, ranged between 33.7% and 36.3% and 32.3% and 36% for sour lemon and orange, respectively. The rest of the properties of the seeds are listed in Table 2. As indicated, average amount of iodine, peroxide, acid, and saponification in sour lemon is 98.62%, 0.62%, 0.54%, and 190.43%; these figures for orange are 101.94%, 0.65%, 0.57%, and 188.2%, respectively.