The first operation of cruise is the deck department .The ship’s master is in charge of the ship, but also oversees navigation and the deck department. However, the large ship has more required for addition, deck officers.
Theirs duties are to observe vessel navigation. Another position is a senior officer who is responsible for performing safety and it’s usually made up of officer in training, who are called cadets. In addition, to all crew are supervised by the chief petty officer and petty officer. There are many different types of crew positions such as the quartermaster and carpenter. Second, the engine department id the domain of the chief engineer, who is the master
responsible to for the safe and smooth operation of the ship’s propulsion system and all technical operations such as heating and lighting. Third, the ratio officer is primarily responsible for the cruise ship’s ratio. They operate all ratio communication such as telegraph and internet. Forth, the medical department is responsible to deal with health problems of passenger on the ship. The numbers of doctor or medical staff are depending on the requirement and the size of cruise ships. Next, the entertainment department is responsible for preparing diverse entertainment for customers. Cruise directors are the head of this department. Finally, the hotel department it is individual department. This supervisor is supervised all crew and staff, directed by the manager