Kagan Tumer is a professor at Oregon State University. Dr. Tumer’s research interests are learning and control in large autonomous systems with a particular emphasis on multiagent coordination. Applications of his work include coordinating multiple robots, controlling unmanned aerial vehicles, reducing traffic congestion and managing air traffic. Prior to joining OSU in 2006, he was a senior research scientist at NASA Ames Research Center. His work has led to over one hundred publications, including a book titled “Collectives and the Design of Complex Systems”, and a best paper award at the 2007 Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.
Dr. Tumer received his Ph.D. from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Texas, Austin in 1996. He is the section editor for computer science for “Advances in Complex Systems” (Elsevier), an associate editor of the Journal on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, and was an associate editor of “Pattern Recognition Letters” (2004–2008). He holds one patent, is the program co-chair of the 2011 Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Conference. Dr. Tumer is a member of AAAI and a senior member of IEEE