Fairness means treating people equitably without bias or partiality. It means actively working to set aside self-interest or group loyalty when rendering a judgement. In day to day life, fairness manifest itself in simple ways such as taking turns, listening intently, sharing and not taking advantages of others based on their weakness. Impartiality is a key part of fairness. Being impartial does not mean having no bias, rather it means knowing what those bias are, striving to put them aside and requesting outside perspective as needed. While inspired by the ideal of justices, fairness is not sameness or always following the letter of the law. Fairness makes room for us to generate solutions and compromises based on reason and circumstances.
On the other hand, equality means having the same right or status. I have a vision, that all people should be treated equally. Race, religion, sex, age and other petty differences should not matter. Everyone has a right to be heard. I hope that someday, when a person looks at another, they will not judge them until they actually meet them. Race, sex, religion and age should not make someone any less of a person. Age should not matter. Both young and old have a right to be heard as long as a person is educated about something; they have a right to form an opinion about it.
Usually when people do not reach their full potential, it is assumed that it is their fault but this is not always the case. Trying to fit in and be like other people can hold you back from what you could be. When people impose their will on you, it usually destabilizes you. I once heard a story that showed that listening to people can actually derail you from your goals and that you are what you make of yourself.
To conclude the world would be a better place if we all can live in peace with one another and treat each other fairly and equaly.