The same has also been proved by evaluating the question aimed at determining the barriers to implementation of
processes of green logistics. Most respondents agreed with the statement that ‘it is the high input investment costs
that represent the barrier (156 respondents). High agreement rate was also obtained at uncertain return of the
investment (103 respondents), insufficiency of financial resources (111 respondents) and lack of support from the
state (113 respondents). We can state that shortage in financial sources represents the largest barrier for
implementation of processes of green logistics in Slovak SMEs. On the other hand, suitable education and training of
employees could be ensured by implementation of such processes of green logistics as e.g. choice of
environmentally suitable suppliers, effective placement of the production equipment within the enterprise, ecological
way of transportation, gathering information about emissions and energy consumption, reduction of the amount of
packaging material, or cooperation with customers, which are often not so financially demanding, and may save the
costs related to transportation, material handling, production, as well as losing a customer, which each enterprise