I have a few questions regarding your account, and I am hoping you can help me or direct me to someone who can help me better understand the status of the account.
I would also like to introduce myself. I will now be handling your account as far as billing. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your account. I will be working with our international team in hopes of maintaining your account as accurate as possible. I look forward to working with you.
The sheet below is a summary of what your account looks like at the moment. I noticed there is a few invoices (yellow) that are over due. The items in red text are over payments you have made. I would like to know if we can transfer those over payments? If transferring is not an option, I would like to understand why the invoices still have balance? Was there an issue? Or should we be expecting payment soon?
Also, thank you very much for your recent payment of $5,664.71 towards Inv. 1132097. That has been applied to your account. I was also curious about the balance. Is the balance due to a return or issue