• The acceptability of the newly produced product was measured onthe
basis of the product’s attributes such as the palatability ( taste,
aroma,& flavor), texture and appearance (color & mold ability) using
the 9 Point Hedonic Scale. The data being tabulated and interpreted
,it implied that the newly produced flan was highly accepted in terms
ofits palatability,textureand appearanceaswellasits costing.
• The newly discovered flan has a simple preparation and the
ingredients costs is very minimal compared to original leche flan. It
has a long shelf life in low temperature where the growth of
microorganisms cannot multiply. Study on nutritional content should
be done for costumer’s information about the nutritive value of the flan.
Food processor should utilize the farm produced of the farmers to help
elevate their production.Thus, transforming this agricultural yield into a
flan is another food article that circulates in the market place.