In general, fish and shrimp ponds design and operation do not optimize conditions in
the pond bottom considering the natural carrying capacity limitations. A few design and
management practices are available. These include means of ensuring a minimal coverage
of the pond bottom with sludge by using radial water flow, diagonal or other placement of
aerators and the excavation of sludge collection pits in the pond. Sediment resuspension
control is an important means to control oxidation and relocation of the sediment. Sludge
can be removed from the pond either during the cropping period or in between cropping.
However, there is a need to prevent release of sediment to the environment, by safe storage
or preferably by use and recycling. A few ways to use chemicals such as nitrates or iron
compounds are available to poise the redox and control sulfide solubility, yet the overall
significance of these have to be further clarified. In between cropping treatments of pond
bottom, thorough drying, tilling, liming and fertilizing are quite common and have a low
cost–benefit ratio.