Novel natural fiber-reinforced polypropylene (PP)/ethylene-propylene-diene-monomer (EPDM) composites
containing 0e30 wt% of short latania fibers (SLFs) were fabricated and tested. Measured ASTM
standard tensile and Charpy impact properties were compared to those for PP/EPDM composites containing
short jute fibers (SJFs) [1]. SLF composites displayed somewhat better tensile properties than
analogous SJF composites. Moreover, as the SLF weight fraction was increased, there was a profound
increase in composite energy absorption capability (EAC). In contrast, increasing SJF weight fraction
resulted in a marked decrease in the composite EAC. Good qualitative agreement was found between
measured EAC values for both PP/EPDM/SLF and PP/EPDM/SJF composites and calculated fracture
toughness values. Scanning electron microscopy images of PP/EPDM/SLF composite fracture surfaces
were used to characterize the relevant failure mechanisms and damage morphology. This study suggests
that latania fibers hold promise as a composite reinforcement phase for applications where both tensile
properties and energy absorption are important.