After outing his secret, Tan has left himself vulnerable to attack from the world. Yet, at the same time he has become stronger by growing in courage and character. It’s like stepping out fully armed into a battlefield full of enemy soldiers. Not ideal, but straightforward and sometimes the only choice.
It doesn’t look like Young Do is going to give up on Eun Sang anytime soon, which means we have another white (black?) knight by Eun Sang’s side. What this means for Tan and Young Do’s relationship remains to be seen.
This leaves Rachel alone by herself on the other side, and I hope the writer deals with Rachel a little more softly. The reason I didn’t like Rachel was because, while she had every right to be angry that Tan liked another girl even though he was engaged, she was mean to Eun Sang right from the beginning. This wasn’t anger merely directed toward this strange woman by her fiance’s side, but at someone she considers below her. I don’t want to keep disliking Rachel, since she is also young and growing. I hope the writer leaves room for me to like Rachel and see her grow up.
The order will go like this. I can’t post updates while the drama is airing, unless the episode is moving slowly. I will be trying to capture as much as possible while I am watching the episode. When the episode is over, I will go back to my notes, fix them up a bit and update part by part on each recap post while waiting for the torrents. If you can leave a link here, that would be great. When the full episode is available, I will fill in more blanks and screencaps, and continue to update. Finally, I will leave my comments.