nstallations for Simple Finance 1503 : This will execute the following installations on the three (3)
systems in scope:
• Installation of SAP Simple Finance On Premise edition 1503 SPS03
• Installation of SAP Netweaver Gateway 2.0
• Installation of SAP Web Dispatcher
• SAP Simple Finance 1503 Migration - This will implement the following as part of the Simple
Finance scope:
• Scoping to help optimize project delivery and minimize risk. SAP executes a detailed prerequisite check during joint discovery and scope validation workshop. The
feasibility and implementation effort of enhancements is formally evaluated in a gap-fit analysis. The end result is a detailed scope document and any custom
enhancements; the additional scope and/or effort will be subjected to Change Request. SAP will not start configuration activities until the results of the scoping
workshop have been approved by SAP and Licensee.
• Implement the following comp