Hsa Lwel Htoo, a neighbor
She mentioned that the mother called her last month in January 2014 and told her that she was in Nakonpathom. The mother told her that she was afraid to come back because she still owed some money to people in the camp. However, she already heard from the debtors that they did not want her to worry about that and they just wanted her to come back to her children. She said that the mother did not want to come back and she never sent money for her children as well. The mother might also change her numbers time to time and she is not able to reach her number at this time. Since the assessor saw child 2 was babysitting her child during home visit, she told that she did not ask child 2 to babysit her child all the time but she just asked her for a while since she went out for a moment. She also mentioned that the children did not go to school every day at the moment