The teachers in the sampled schools were trained as research
assistants in the use of computer assisted instruction package.
week. The classes were conducted in a Computer lab with CAI
package. There was an orientation between the researcher and
the students who underwent the test from the selected schools.
The experimental group students were exposed to Computer
Assisted Instruction package which had been installed
on desktop computer, while control group students were
taught using traditional teaching method having the same
content used for the experimental group. At the end of the
experimental study, DTLD was administered as the post-test
to measure the outcome of learning disability of the students.
The DTLD test was administered in the same manner for
the post-test also. The test was conducted at the same time
with the help of research assistants in each school and the
script collected immediately for scoring. The ‘t’-test was
used to test all the null hypotheses using Statistical Package
for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 at 0.05 alpha level.