HIS MAJESTY KING BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ of Thailand was born in Cambridge Massachusetts, The United States of America, on Monday the 5th of December 1927, being the third and youngest child of Their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Mahidol of Songkhla.
Royal Family Picture Even the facts of his birth seem to be significant in several ways. He is, first of all, the direct grandson of His Late Majesty King Chulalongkorn or Rama V who was renowned for the great reforms which he made to all institutions of Thailand to bring them up to date and in line with the rest of the Western-orientated world.
Prince Mahidol himself was perhaps one of the most modern-minded of all the sons of King Chulalongkorn and his life was dedicated to the development of many modern ideas particularly in the field of Medical Science so that he is now known as the Father of the Modern Thai Medical Profession.
Last but not least, he was given the significant name of Bhumibol Adulyadej, meaning Strength of the Land Incomparable Power which becomes prophetic as his Reign advances through various critical periods and the Thai nation evolves more and more around the Throne as the sole sources of unity and strength.