Jens Friedrich
ถึง: kachaphorn moay
รูปภาพของ Jens Friedrich
Hello sunshineEmoji:))
hope you are alright..
Why do you not want to talk with me on SKYPE??... And what´s wrong with your phone?? You buy a new phone,
i will help you for that, just let me know..
I miss you so much already. I´m writing you to thank you for this wonderful time we had together. And i cannot
wait until we meet again. I wish you would be here..
Even you might not understand every word in this text, it will be maybe a good english lesson for you;)
I try to write you grammatical correct and i hope you can answer also in english (do not worry about mistakes, i
do not care)
I still see you crying when you dropped me off at the hotel, but i also remember your beautiful smile when looking at me..
Moay, i do not know you for long, but what i do know is that you have a very good heart. And a good heart is hard to find...:)
I enjoyed every single hour with you and i would love to hear your voice on phone or on "Skype".
And also please tell me your home adress (where you are living right now)!
I will never forget you, darling.... Answer soon!!Loveyou.!!!
1000 kissesEmoji