It real simple Western guilds please bid on the scroll. The only reason the east bids is because no one from the west does.
Here is the scoreboard
Western Bids for Sieging
500 - no bids
500 - no bids
Eastern bids
25K - multiple bids
25K - nultimple bids
So who is afraid? The only reason the east bids on the scroll is beacuse they have to since the west won't.
It seems there are no western guilds besides Latinfist. All the reds do is follow shultz and arendil everywhere. You guys have no minds of your own.
Latinfist goes to Halcyona. all the red guilds follow. They goto Hasla or feedich same thing. All you know how to do is zerg and cry in chat and beg for help whenever you get attacked.
Deku Knights
Some lame Latin name guild
order of the whatever
All the other red guilds what have you bid so far? Oh wait you have to see if Shultz and Arendil can help you before you can bid.
Theres nothing stopping Ironfist or Latinus from bidding for another castle either.
Latinus has 10x our number (Xen) so come on and bring it bid 25K like the eastern guilds.
Whats stopping you? Can't handle being called out?
Yea I thought so. Can 't put your money where your mouth is.