The power demand of each of the three paddlewheels are presented in Fig. 1,
indicating that load increases with a power of about 1.6, with the implication that
half-speed operation demands one-third of the power as running at full speed.
Oxygen transfer measurements required analysis, initiated with observation of
oxygen scavenger. Observed log[DO deficit] was plotted in Fig. 3 as an example of
the process. The R2 provides a measure of the goodness of fitting a straight line to
the rate of re-saturation of oxygen in each test. As anticipated in commentary C of
ASCE (1993), the apparent saturation condition Cs * of the tank solution drifted in
the course of testing. Saturation condition was corrected by a factor Cs + , determined
by using a spreadsheet solver algorithm to optimise the goodness of fit.
SOTR was derived from the slope of the curve, corrected for temperature, and then
divided by power demand to determine SAE. Tables 1–3 report data and re-aeration